November 2017 – SOLE (Self-Organized Learning Environment)

Self-Organized Learning Environment (SOLE) Webinar
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
9:00am PT | 10:00am MT | 11:00am CT | 12:00pm ET
60 minutes

About the Webinar:
During this webinar, Jeff McClellan, founder of STARTSOLE, will provide insights into a Self-Organized Learning Environment. A Self-Organized Learning Environment, or SOLE, combines technology with student-led inquiry. It can exist anywhere in the world where there is a computer, Internet connection, and students who are keen to learn. Within a SOLE, students are given the freedom to learn collaboratively using the internet. An educator poses a ‘Big Question’ and students form small groups to find the answer.

STARTSOLE is a universal platform for Self Organized Learning Environments (SOLE) across the globe. Their vision is to turn SOLE into a mainstream movement. STARTSOLE is building a system by connecting innovative educators, students, parents, community institutions and partners with entrepreneurs to impact the future of education. With SOLE, kids will be able to develop the skills needed for a modern digital society, and they will have the opportunity to work in environments that favor inclusion and educational innovation.

Following are links to the resources that we will be using during the webinar: